Friday, 1 February 2013

Student conference on emerging markets, London, 27 and 28 February 2013.

 The LSE SU Emerging Markets Forum is a non-profit student-run conference organised by the LSE SU Emerging Markets Society, and is proudly sponsored by BTG Pactual, Credit Suisse, Rio Tinto, Taylor Wessing and the LSE Annual Fund.

This year, exciting new topics under discussion will include Frontier Markets, Fast- Moving Consumer Goods, Oil & Gas, Fashion Retailing and the Private Equity sector. Furthermore, we are pleased to introduce the Workshop concept, which will provide a rare opportunity for attendees to work through real-life case-studies with successful entrepreneurs who will share their own experiences running a business in emerging markets.

Whether you find yourself in discussion with a Chinese academic, the Head of the Brazilian Central Bank, a Nigerian CEO, or a South African Rhodes Scholar, the Forum provides strong opportunities for students to interact with our speakers, sponsors and attendees.

Networking is actively encouraged  throughout the day and during  lunch and evening events; and previous attendees have vastly benefited from the unique friendships and relationships built through the Forum

LSESU Emerging Markets Forum | Introduction

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