Friday, 12 October 2012

Careers in Media and Politics: US Elections 2012 and UK Leaders’ Debates

On Wednesday 7th and Friday 9th November the College of Social Sciences will once again play host to David Muir, a University of Glasgow Politics' Alumni and former Director of Political Strategy to Gordon Brown. David will host two events with key figures from the world of UK and US politics and media.

On Wednesday 7th November (1400-1700, Senate Room, Main Building), David will be joined by four of the key players involved in the first UK televised leaders' debates. Ric Bailey is the BBC's Chief Political Adviser. Michael Jermey is ITV’s Director of News and former Programme Director from ITN. Michael Salter is Political Head of Broadcasting for the Conservative Party and is based in Number 10 Downing Street. Together with David they will discuss their behind-the-scenes experiences of the negotiations behind these debates and their impact on UK politics.

On Friday 9th November (1400-1700, Senate Room, Main Building), David will be joined two key figures fresh from Barack Obama's 2012 election campaign. “Ron” Klain is an American lawyer and political operative best known for serving as Chief of Staff to two Vice Presidents - Al Gore (1995–1999) and Joseph Biden (2009–2011). Pete Brodnitz was named Pollster of the Year (2007), for his work on the upset victories in Virginia of Gov. Tim Kaine, in 2005, and Sen. Jim Webb, in 2006. Together these three speakers will discuss their experiences of campaigning, the high and lows of the campaign trail and their political analysis of the 2012 US Elections.

Both roundtable events will offer students the opportunity to ask questions of the speakers relating to their experiences and career paths, and to network with them over refreshments.

These events, open to all University of Glasgow students, are likely to be extremely popular so please book early to avoid disappointment. Click here to reserve a place.

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